1. Both gained 70 + pounds with our first child
2. Both have a son with Autism
3. Both talk way to much and are loud mouths
4. I'm pretty sure we are both fake blondes
5. Both have been on Weight Watchers
I'm pretty sure she wants to be my new BBF
Jenny MacCarthy is officially my new favorite person! Seriously you guys I hope all of you were able to watch Oprah today it was AWESOME!!! I have always liked Jenny, since she gained like 70 + pounds too when she was prego but now I just love her. On the Oprah show she talked about her son who was diagnosed with autism. I think the reason I liked the show so much was because I felt so much the same like her when Joseph was diagnosed. I felt as if my world was over I had no idea how to recover. Let me tell ya it took a while and I'm pretty sure I will never be over it but I know like she did that my Joseph was still in there and I know someday and somehow he will come out. We have to do all we can in all are power and the Lord will make up for the rest. I love Jenny's story because she was not about to say defeat, she was up for the battle. I loved Holly Robinson's story too she was awesome.
I loved, loved, loved what she had to say about immunizations. I so feel the same. I know that immunizations have a purpose and that they are good and have saved many people's lives but like many things we over indulge and think the more the better and that is not always the case. The list of immunizations they give your baby is shocking. I hate people who are so one way and can not see the other side. I hate being looked down upon that I have chosen now, not to give my kids immunizations until they are older and we know more about them. I'm not a bad Mother for not giving them their shots, nor do if feel Mom's that give their children shots are bad. We are all just trying to to what is best. I do wish that Dr's would stop telling us that shots don't cause autism since that has never been refuted and the truth is they DO NOT KNOW. I don't blame Joseph's autism on the shots, but I do feel like it contributed. I do wish that Dr's would listen to us parents and stop thinking they know everything. I'm thankful for Doctors and all that they do but come on a few more years of school does not make you the know all! (Todd is going to hate me since he is thinking of going to Med school)
I tried the gluten free no dairy diet last year and was defeated but I feel new strength after watching Jenny. I'm going to give it a try again. Any ideas on gluten free dairy free things please let know.
OK, So sorry you had to listen to me go on and on. I'm just really grateful for the fight that Jenny MacCarthy put up for her child.
OK so I just went on a rant so so so sorry! I guess I just loved Jenny and Holly Robinson's story of hope. I'm not about to throw in the towel. Joseph has a purpose that I am SURE of.
Okay, so I was going to call you tomorrow to tell you to watch this Oprah, but it looks like you beat me to it! I was very impressed by Jenny myself. I love how real she is, and especially how she's not afraid to admit it. You know, I think you have a lot in common with her, too, but I think you're much, much cuter! :)
Don't even for one second think you are ranting on and on about this! I am so glad you posted this!! I love to hear you so positive about it all, you even make me want to do all I can for the fight in Autism.
I too watched the show (thanks for the text) and really liked what both girls had to say. I really loved how honest Jenny talks about it all. I mean even down to the babysitting! I thought that was so funny!
I think you and Todd are doing an amazing job with this and really look up to the both of you.
Ab, I hurried and turned on the rebroadcast of the show tonight and caught the second half. So I missed most of Jenny, but it seemed like a great show. Joseph and John are both so lucky to have you as a Mom! You are a fighter and I'm sure it hasn't been easy. Have you been on Oprah.com to email Jenny and Holly? Do they have any kind of support groups or contacts for parents so that you can talk to others experiencing the same things you are? I bet that would be really helpful. Well I respect and admire you, Ab! You're a true pioneer!
Abby, as soon as I saw the show, I came to your blog to see if you had seen it. The whole time I was watching it, I was thinking of you. You and Todd are both amazing, and I could see when I was in Ithica what an awesome mom you are. Joseph is so adorable, and I know he will make long strides with you by his side. Dont ever give up hope, and if your having a hard day, call me! Love ya!
Oh my gosh! I totally was thinking about you throught this whole show and I was going to call Lindsay and get your number to make sure you had seen it. That all sounds normal except for the fact I totally don't know you! But I know and love all the Runyan's so you know I am not a nut! have you read her book? I would love for you to write about it when you do. Don't be afaraid to be vocal, that's how things change! just from talking to Linday and Nate about your situation I have taken a long look at vaccinating my baby, it is worth checking out. Props to you and Todd for being such devoted parents!
That kind of crazy you have so much in common with her. I never knew so much about her! Thanks for the info. But just so you know, I like you better than her.
Abby, so I am lame and just read the part about immunizations. when I was growing up I was always getting crap because my mom chose not to immunize me or my brothers. I barely got my shots before my mission. She has always believed, even since I was a baby that there is something not right about all the shots Dr. are trying to give. And, my neice was just diagnosed with Autism and my sis-in-law is skepitcal about shots as well. If you want to check out her blog it is jbrecalde@blogspot.com
Great post Abby, thanks for sharing all of that! You weren't rambling, it is nice to hear that. You and Todd are amazing and we are so impressed by the two of you! So is Todd really thinking about Med. school, he'd be great.
Abby I watched the show and then called my mom to watch it also. I love Jenny too and I am also doing Weight Watchers too. I learned so much about Autism. I thought it was so awesome that she listened to her mother instict. I feel like I don't do that good. I think you are such an awesome person and from what I have heard and seen you are a great mom too. You are so lucky and blessed to have a great husband. That is really sad about the divorce rate. You are so cute.
P.S. you are twins in another way too HeHe
Abby, such a good post. You're a great person and I am sure an awesome mother. Don't ever doubt yourself! Keep it up.
Loved Jenny and the show. I thought it was great how she was so honest and detailed with her story. It was very inspiring and informative. I know you are a fighter and won't give up hope with Jo Jo. You are such a great mom to him and John. I think about you all the time and remember - I'm just a phone call away:) Love and miss ya!
You're amazing Abby! Keep it up girl! I'd love to hear your stance & strategies for immunizations. If you get a chance, email me katecanskate@hotmail.com
I Tivo'd oprah and I just finished watching it.... it was soooo good and informative... for the CDC to come out now and say that don't know what affect immunization shots have is huge, hopefully it is the first step in finding a cause and then in turn a treatment/cure... I saw a whole new side of Jenny today, and I must say I can see why you like her... it was sad when she said 80% of husbands leave the marriage, luckily you have a great supportive husband and family... you are such a strong person, I really admire that in you...
Hi, I'm a friend of Becky's and I was so glad to read your post and felt inclined to comment! My heart broke for Jenny when she said Evan was perfectly normal & then all of a sudden, Bam, that light was gone from his eyes. I have always been wary about immunizations however b/c of how ridiculous the Dr. made me feel I did immunize my first child. When I had my 2nd, something told me, NO. So I didnt. I am constantly battling with myself if I made the right choice. Most people act like you are a child abuser if you dont do the shots! I just dont think it can be right for that many immunizations before they are even 2 yrs old! Their brains are not even developed. I too am going to wait until he is older, and even then I will space them out, one at a time, (what's with this 4 at a time crap) and yes I agree we need immunizations of course! however you just never know if your child will react to them. I thought it was so great that she said he is recovering from all that she is doing & that gives so many people hope! so sorry for the long comment from a stranger!(figginsfamily.blogspot.com)
I totally agree with everything you have said. Being an autistic mommy myself I know what you are going through. I know the emotions you are feeling because im feeling the same way. I was in tears watching Oprah because it felt good to know a "star" is going through the same feelings and emotions I am. It takes a special lady to be a mom to a child with any disability, expecially autism! You are such a great mom Abby! I can see the love you have for your kids.
Sorry for being a complete stranger and leaving a post! Check out my good friend Maggie Holmes blog. Her oldest son has Autism and she has her whole family on the Gluten and dairy free diet. I worked with a child with autism before (I know their is a wide range of the degree of severity), but her son, Tyler is nothing short of amazing. He started Kindergarten this year in regular Kindergarten. And I know for kindersteps, she didn't even tell his teacher about the autism. She didn't want him to be treated differently or feel different from the other kids. That is how high functioning he is NOW and I know she attributes a lot of it to the special diet. She is an amazing mom and her blog has info on the diet. You can also read thru past blogs and see her struggles with Tyler. These kids are such special kids and like I've told my friend, they are such blessings in your home. Here's her blog: http://maggieholmes.typepad.com/
Check out her post from Feb 2006 Angie
with tears in my eyes... wow!! you are amazing. i feel like you do about immunizations. good luck.
Abby- random hearing from me I know (it's Delanie). I talked with my doctor who told me the flu vac. and MMR has mercury in it and the chicken pocks is a live virus. My daughter had all these shots at her yr. (poked 7 times) and got extremly sick for 2 months and now at almost 2 is a bit of a hyper girl and with a new son I've vowed to never give all at once again but I also won't give anymore MMR or flu. You are a great person and mom Abby- take care- your children are adorable!
OH ABBY! I seriously LOVED this post. I feel the EXACT same way about immunizations. I felt so pressured into getting them for Parker, even though in my heart I didn't think it was the right time. When I was pregnant w/ Quincy (#2) I did all kinds of research on them, and decided to decline immunizations till they are at least over a year old. Quincy just got her first shot like 6 months ago, and she's almost 4. I had no idea that your little guy had autism, how much closer he is to our savior! You are a great Mom, I love how positive you are. Life get's so crazy and I sometimes forget how blessed I am to be able to care for 4 of Heavenly Fathers children. Thank you for your example!
Abby - I love you- You are doing such a great job. I really don't know what you go through on a daily basis, or how tough it is (I can only imagine)- but I love your attitude of determination!! You CAN (and ARE) doing it!
This was really a fun post to read. Good luck w/ the gluten free diet - check out this blog: http://killthegluten.blogspot.com/
I think it will be helpful!
WOW! Look at all the people who love and support you Abby! It seems as though all of us thought of you when we saw Oprah that day and we all called our mothers/Storey to see if you had seen it. I love the way she worded so many things...and I have a huge appreciation for moms who have children diagnosed with autism. It's amazing to me how the statistics have changed so dramatically over the past few years and it scares me to death to know that the majority is little boys. You're doing a great job girl!
girl!! i totally watched oprah that day and was intrigued!! jenny seriously rocks!! i totally thought of you while watching this. your a great mom and like you said joseph has a purpose for being like he is. thats something I have learned with my brother sam. they are special children and here for us! love you love the post!
I too am a Runyan (with an a, not an o) and did the gluten free thing (in fact, am still doing it).
good luck with it all!
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