I've seen this on a few blogs and think it is so fun. Give it a try!
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saying Goodbye to Grandpa Kunz
Today we buried my sweetest, cutest Grandpa Kunz. He died Monday peacefully in his sleep and we had his the funeral today. I was so looking forward to the funeral to celebrate the great life of my Grandpa. It was also so nice to be with all the family. I was excited to hear his life story and to remember what a great life he had lived. It was sad to say goodbye, but I know its only for a short time and we will be reunited. Here are a few pictures of my sweet Grandfather, Milton Miner Kunz.
Wasn't he handsome.
I love his smile in the picture. He was always upbeat and happy. When you asked him how he was doing he would always say "I'm fit as a fiddle."
Here he is with my Grandma BettyJo. He loved her so much and they really were such a example of true love. I can only imagine the happiness on Monday when they were finally reunited in heaven. My Niece Chole sang the 1940's jazz song "At last" and it was so fitting. At last they are with each other.
This is the Grandpa I remember. He had a twinkle in his eye.
Here we are at the cemetery in Globe saying are last goodbyes in this life.
Jo Jo and Daddy. I know he is looking down on us and will help us get through this life. We will miss him.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Hear The Silence
Hear the Silence
what happens when doctors do too?
Saturday, July 26
1:00pm & 7:00pm
Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Grand Ballroom
2401 E. Camelback Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016
$15.00 in advance or
$20.00 at the door
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Defeat Autism Now Conference.
Town and Country Resort500 Hotel Circle North San Diego, California 92108
Calling all Mom's with a child with autism to go to this conference. Seriously, I feel like it should be a must. I went to the one in New Jersey in April and will never miss another one. Go to the website at defeatautismnow.com and check it out. Make sure to check out the Angel fund too, it's set up for families who really want to go but can't afford it. Pass on the info to anyone with a child with autism, this conference is AWESOME!!!
Calling all Mom's with a child with autism to go to this conference. Seriously, I feel like it should be a must. I went to the one in New Jersey in April and will never miss another one. Go to the website at defeatautismnow.com and check it out. Make sure to check out the Angel fund too, it's set up for families who really want to go but can't afford it. Pass on the info to anyone with a child with autism, this conference is AWESOME!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
JoJo is 4 on the 4th!
I can't believe my little boy is 4 years old. He has been such a sweet blessing in my life and I can't imagine my world without him. Here are a few pictures of JoJo on his birthday and the little BBQ we had for him to celebrate his birthday and the 4th of July.
I just love his sweet little face.
Born on the 4th of July!
I think he new it was his birthday. He was happy all day and woke up that day at 4:30am ready to go.
We took him to Toys R US to pick out some videos and he was SOOOOO serious and so into finding the perfect ones.
Studying the videos he picked out.
We got him a trike too. He was working with his OT Meg in Ithaca with one so we thought it would be a perfect present. As you can see John was loving it.
JoJo, not so much. He was to into his new videos.
We made him go out and ride it though and I think he liked it.
Riding his new trike.
Me and my boy
JoJo and Daddy
John with his 4th of July shirt on.
John & Daddy
Happy 4th!
Yep, that is JoJo swimming all on his own. He can totally swim now. (doggy paddle)
John Swimming

OK, I know its been FOREVER since my last post. Now that I know how to download the pics I'll be back in business. Here are some things we have been up to since the last post & since we moved to AZ.
Just Chillin with Daddy, and watching some TV.
Swimming, Swimming, and MORE SWIMMING. Both John and JoJo LOVE to swim so we go about 3 times a day. They just love it.
JoJo and Daddy loving the pool.
John in the pool. The boy doesn't tan, so I'm always stressed that he is going to burn.
Nat's little boy Shep a little girl Meda had there b-day party and this bounce play place and my kids had so much fun. Thanks, Shep & Meda!
JoJo LOVIN it.
John living up the kisses from Meda.

John and a ball.

John and a ball.
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